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January 24, 2008

Dave: Tree Hugger

"What are you doing up there?"

"I -- like it up here."

"In a tree?"

"Trees are nice."

"It's cold out.  What happened to your jacket?"

"I dunno."

"Where did you put your jacket?"

"It's -- I dunno."

"What are you looking at?"


"When I'm talking to you, young man, I'd like you to look at me."


"Thank you.  I'm still waiting to hear about your jacket."

"It's -- inside, I think."

"It's freezing outside.  Why are you out without your jacket?"

"I dunno."

"Well, get down here right now.  It's time for dinner."

"I'd -- rather not."

"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"Because I'm scared."

"Scared?  Scared of what?"

"Of that."

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