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November 1, 2007


National Novel Writing Month starts today, so for today we'll do without inner editors of any kind. Write the start of something epic and submit the first 100 words, cutting off in the middle of a sentence if that's where the break falls. No revision allowed, although spellcheck is permitted. No editing. (If you're participating this year, use the first 100 words of your Novel, of course, but otherwise, anything epic will do.)

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Then came the rain. The kind of rain what carves rivers in stone. What kind of rain? The kind of rain that makes every living thing look for higher ground, then look again, then wish they had a boat. The few of us with boats became the mighty ones, but only till it stopped raining. As the land reappeared the boats were burnt, and those of us who built them banished to the hilltops. Life in the valleys slowly returned to normal. In the villages along side the streams the boats became nothing more than legend. Then came the rain.

Posted by: kipp at November 1, 2007 9:19 AM · Permalink

If I had been allowed to edit, I would have deleted the whole thing.

Posted by: kipp at November 1, 2007 9:28 AM · Permalink

A group of writers on a get away for the weekend settle into a 19th century hotel hoping to spark some ideas and each other with their own story to write. As they settle in for their first day, they wander the old building with excitement with its twists and turns and secret places, stairs that lead to nowhere, stairs without rails, no rails mean there are no boundaries, no way to guard against the unknown. As they choose a room to settle into, they are unaware of what awaits them just behind the door. They will each return with

Posted by: Faithwriter at November 1, 2007 11:29 AM · Permalink

Check before you post!