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August 9, 2007

David: What A Week I'm Having!

Monday, terrorists announced they’d acquired a nuclear stockpile and demanded that everyone convert or die.

Tuesday, the alien ships arrived and started draining our oceans. All attempts to communicate have failed utterly.

Wednesday, the first cases of a drug-resistant, highly contagious superflu were reported.

Thursday, the dead began rising and feasting on the brains of the living.

Friday, NASA announced the discovery of an asteroid the size of Bolivia on a collision course with Earth.

Saturday, a scientist at FermiLab said, “Oop—”

Sunday, Jesus reappeared on Earth, and told us all to go fuck ourselves.

Yeah, we’re boned, pretty much.

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Love it!

Posted by: michele at August 9, 2007 5:29 PM · Permalink

Bolivia--a classically funny word starts with a "B", three syllables, and could be spoken with an accent

Posted by: Ted Bronson at August 9, 2007 7:00 PM · Permalink

Bo-liv-ya? I've always said Bo-liv-ee-uh.

Posted by: David at August 9, 2007 11:05 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!