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August 14, 2007

David: Could've Been Worse. Could've Had A Banjo

“Um, give them tea and cakes, accept their sincere apology and a promise never to do it again, and send them on their way, thoroughly chastised and having learned an important lesson?”

“Nope. Close, though. First, we stake you spread-eagled on the ground. Then, we all line up and take turns kicking you in the junk until we think you’ve seen the error of your ways. Then we let you go.”

“You do? Oh, good.”

“Then we set the dogs after you. After they’re done, we drag what’s left back here and marry it to our sister what got despoiled.”

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Hehe! Excellent!

Posted by: Jim at August 14, 2007 3:26 PM · Permalink

Man, two sisters despoiled on this site in less than a week. Is Eli coming?

Posted by: Ted Bronson at August 14, 2007 7:24 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!