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July 16, 2007


You're buying something that's really, really bad for you...

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“ As Principal General, I warned you last time,” Father McKenzie roared. He slapped a manila file with its damning information onto his desktop. “I said you’d be expelled from St. Cecelia’s Academy if you bought another one.”

He stood over her, nostrils flaring, watching her small body squirm in the oak chair. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

“Why is there no privacy in the showers? My towel slipped. Why did Sister Paulette report me?” she pleaded, dabbing a teardrop under her bifocals and flushing from anger and shame.

“Tatoos are expressly forbidden. You’re fired, Sister Bridgette.”

Posted by: Barb at July 16, 2007 5:32 PM · Permalink

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