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July 10, 2007

Jim: Swampy Water-Colored Memories

It’s been said that music, for some people, can trigger long-forgotten memories. A song from their youth can bring to mind dramatic moments from an earlier time.

For me, it’s odors. Jasmine and sea-spray remind me of walking hand-in-hand along a shell-strewn shoreline with my first girlfriend. Cigar smoke and Chanel #5 bring forth thoughts of my deceased parents urging me to excel at school and in sports.

Urging and pushing. Insults and jeers. And the punishments for failure.

The stink of stagnant water also reminds me of my parents, when I drove their lifeless bodies down to the bayou.

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Your title makes me laugh!
Good Job

Posted by: kipp at July 10, 2007 3:03 PM · Permalink

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