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June 14, 2007

Jeff R.: Gumshoe's Quartina

She glided into my office
My pulse went racing from her walk
She fanned herself to beat the heat
Then opened an attache case.

"So Danny, will you take my case?"
I would, since it was my office
To save her from the cops, the heat
So she could on all charges walk.

And so I embarked on a walk,
And hurried down the old stair case,
Then noticed: in the moment's heat
I'd left my keys in the office.

They waited in my office, three large gunsels packing heat.
Advising me that I should walk away from Sharon's case.

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Since a 100-word Sestina is only barely theoretically possible and practically absurd (requiring almost every word, including all the keys, to be at least 6 sylables long), this is the next best thing, I guess.

Posted by: Jeff R. at June 14, 2007 1:17 PM · Permalink

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