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May 25, 2007

Jeff R.: Say What You Like...

"So what is it that you United Nihilists believe in?"


"What, like the absence of God in a cold and unfeeling universe?"

"Not exactly."


"We don't believe in the universe."

"So you're solipsists, then?"

"No, no, we doubt our own existence too."

"But that's basic Descartes: Cogito, Ergo Sum and all that."

"We doubt both the fact of our thinking and the logical inference process itself."

"But you do believe in coming to people's doors and interrupting them during their dinners."

"Well, not so much believe as consider it a good way to get out of the house."

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*falls down laughing*

Posted by: Stacy at May 25, 2007 4:38 PM · Permalink

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