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May 15, 2007

David: There's Always One Guy Like This

“’At long last, Lord Norrington, your rule of tyranny ends tonight.’ I step in from the balcony, my silhouette cut from the darkness outside.”

“Okay. Lying on the floor, Norrington turns at the sound of your voice, wincing with pain. ‘So, Scarlet Avenger. It comes to this.’ He struggles to rise. ‘Or should I say, “Duke Finchley?”’”

“I smirk at him. ‘How long have you known, tyrant?’ Also, I approach, looming over him.”

“Norrington coughs, spilling blood onto the floor. ‘Long enough, traitor.’”

“I pull out a wedge of cheese and stab Norrington.”

“The hell? What? How?”

“It’s sharp cheddar.”

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