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March 6, 2007

Tanya: Untitled

“You’re so pretty,” she simpered. “So pretty and smart, and I wish I was just like you.”

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. This bizarre woman with grimy hands, Holly Hobby clothes, and an empty wheelbarrow -- she said the same cloying things to me daily, when she passed me on my lunch break.

She tried to touch me, the little sycophant, as she started cooing about my hair. “So pretty, so pretty...” She wandered off, creepily.

I hate people touching me. The next day, I met her in the alley with a crowbar. Wheelbarrow Betsy is no more.

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By special request.

Posted by: Tanya at March 6, 2007 3:53 PM · Permalink

Woo! :)

Posted by: Stacy at March 6, 2007 5:11 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!