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March 23, 2007

Jeff R.: Go/Nogo

The fact that the universe was made in seven days- and one of them a paid vacation, at that- explains quite a bit, really.

Certain technical bugs simply couldn't be worked out of the system in the time allotted. The most vexing of them was a nasty little glitch in which querying each element's position caused it's velocity to vary unpredictably, and vice versa. And then there was the 'Entropy Leak' issue, in which every transaction brought the entire system a little bit closer to total shutdown.

They said they'd fix it in the patch. We're still waiting for it.

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I originally wrote a story about making the universe in 7 days, and how god insisted on taking Sunday off.

Glad I scrapped it. Yours is better.

Posted by: michele at March 23, 2007 10:12 PM · Permalink

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