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March 12, 2007


You go into your kitchen in the morning and there's a note next to your coffee maker. What does it say?

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Next Time – Tie a String…

His sharp inhale seemed to freeze his mind in time. A familiar tone of doom filled the room.

The note, in his hand writing, lay dustily beside the coffee pot, it’s words

‘Don’t forget
Emily’s Birthday!’

spinning in his consciousness.

His memory raced through time, unfolding the last six months with new meaning. The heartbreak, the jealousy, the upheaval… And, the divorce, it all began making sense.

He could feel his pulse, banging in his ears, as the truth sank in.

He’d given up coffee six months ago; the day before his wife Emily’s birthday. No caffeine, no reminder, doom.

Posted by: kasac at March 12, 2007 12:06 PM · Permalink

“I loaded the coffee.”

That’s all the note beside the maker said, a tender reminder of her love. She’d known I was getting up early in the morning, working from home, stressed and cranky and angry and irritable – and desperate for caffeine.

She'd done it after I’d gone up to bed. The special caramel blend bought a few weeks back. Filtered water from the fridge rather the tap, just to taste the better.

It was so quintessentially her, I wondered why I’d strangled her the night before.

I sighed. I’d need to drink some coffee before tackling that particular problem.

Posted by: *** Dave at March 12, 2007 3:46 PM · Permalink

All I could think of was Future Dwight sending the fax to himself.

Posted by: Tanya at March 12, 2007 5:27 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!