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January 8, 2007
Jeff R.: To: Mrs Ekhard
From: Professor Emeritus Thwackwell-Sark
Please excuse my son's lack of today's homework. He did in fact complete it, but shortly afterward it was eaten.
Not by, as is stereotypically the case, a dog, but a highly dangerous grade-3 verbivore, who then consumed the sources used, the textbook, and eventually the concept of homework itself.
After a lengthy temporal excursion, we restored most of the damage, but then needed to visit Queen Titania of Faerie to persuade her to prevent Napoleon's second escape, a mishap of that excursion.
He would have re-done the assignment, but by that time it was (subjectively) well past his bedtime.
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Now, THAT'S what I'm talking about!
Posted by: ted at January 8, 2007 1:09 PM · Permalink