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December 19, 2006

Tanya: Untitled

The Immortals rested in their palace, neither eating nor drinking, awaiting the feast.

Xi Wangmu’s handmaid approached, and began decking the tables with peach pies, peach wine, game roasted in peach sauces or stuffed with the fruit. They gazed longingly at the food. It had been 3000 years since the last Pantao Hui, and yet…

“You bring us our immortality in the peaches. The key to this eternal life. Millennia, eons of life.”

“You must remain, creating humans and destroying evil.”

“Perhaps you would like to dine with us, girl? Join us?”

She hesitated only for a moment. “No thanks.”

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Very nice. Obscure Chinese mythology rawks!

Posted by: Stacy at December 19, 2006 11:00 AM · Permalink

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