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December 8, 2006

Tanya: Untitled

“You got an answer for us, flower boy?” the deputy sneered.

“Stop calling him flower boy, Bob,” the chief snapped, but the man at the microscope was unfazed by the slight.

“The ‘dust’ you found on the body is pollen. It’s from a rare Brazilian daylily.”

“So the old lady is guilty. She has a flower garden.”

“Her garden’s not blooming in December, Bob,” the chief snorted.

“Exactly. You should check florists, greenhouses, people who’ve traveled to South America recently.”

“How do we find that out?” asked the deputy.

The botanist snapped his briefcase closed. “That’s your problem, hick boy.”

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How about... Green Thumb Of Justice?

Posted by: Laurence Simon at December 8, 2006 10:57 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!