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December 8, 2006

Jim: Who You Gonna Call?

Danny Queen pored over the piles of manila folders. “I have no idea,” he lisped, straightening his blouse. “The evidence points all over the place.”

Adobe Sunshine grasped a sensing crystal in each hand. “Nothing,” she sighed.

The iron lung hissed while Marty Wheelburn, reclining as always, said, “Amazing! All of the most unlikely suspects have firm alibis!”

Fred Enduck sat in the corner, talking to himself.

“That settles it,” ‘Nascar’ Newell drawled. “Let’s get Pete Jenkins in here!”

The assembled detectives groaned.

Basil Willoughby sniffed. “Who would have ever imagined that a Criminal Justice graduate would be so handy?”

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Better late than never...?

You decide.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at December 10, 2006 12:38 PM · Permalink

You're gonna have to help me out with some of those names, Jim. I think I get the premise, but I’m not familiar enough with the old shows.

Posted by: kasac at December 11, 2006 4:28 PM · Permalink

It's all about the premise, kasac. I made up the names to fit formulaic stereotypes.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at December 11, 2006 4:36 PM · Permalink


Basil, Basil Rathbone - Sherlock.
Iron lung, Wheelburn - Ironsides wheelchair.

Coincidence? Or Not.

Posted by: kasac at December 11, 2006 5:42 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!