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December 21, 2006

Jeff R.: From the Vault

Patrick O'Day, sportswriter for the Globe, was always borrowing from the rest of the staff. He was good for it; always paid in full on payday.

Which was today. At lunchtime, we all gathered around and compared IOUs. Jenny in features was owed $55, I had paper for $25, Jon and James, point-counterpoint columnists, each had $20 coming, and Liu, the intern, expected $8. Patrick arrived and emptied his wallet. As we counted the $127, Patrick quietly passed away from a heart attack.

At least I didn't have to work hard titling the obituary.

"O'Day: late, and a dollar short."

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This is an old one, one that I did in the comments here the last time roughly this topic came around about a year and a half ago. I still like it, certainly better than anything I can come up with today, so here it is again.

Posted by: Jeff R. at December 21, 2006 4:48 PM · Permalink

I remember this post, too, and liked it a lot. But I'm a sucker for puns.

We really gotta stop using this topic. :)

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at December 21, 2006 6:20 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!