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December 14, 2006

David: Lingo

The words crackled out of the radio’s speaker. “I say again, there is a fat man in your bathtub.”


“Stow it, Kowalski, and get a visual on that ridge.” The private crept up to the edge of the foxhole and peered out through binoculars.

“Tanks, Sarge! I make it three R-91’s.”

“Damn it!” growled the sergeant. He lifted up the handset to his ear. “The banjo is angry at midnight.”

The voice on the radio said, “Confirm?”

“Midnight, damn it! My dog has fleas! The weather is nice in Barbados this time of year!”

“Frosted cherry poptart, over.”


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Damn It! There went my story line - up in smoke!!!

I was working on 2 spies using code words. It wasn't coming together well, but I was gonna post it anyway dammit. Today even.

Posted by: kasac at December 14, 2006 1:22 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!