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December 6, 2006


On this day in history, the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified in 1865.

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

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"And that worthless husband of yours -- don’t get me started on him again. I thought he was useless from the first time—“

…eight… eleven… Tracie mindlessly counted the planks as her feet shuffled across the kitchen floor. She’d heard this diatribe nine thousand times since she was six (you’re a terrible daughter; you’re no good at anything – it was endless). But just then, she heard it: a crack in her mother’s voice. Fear.

“What happened, Mother?”

“That miserable son-of-a-bitch father of yours left.”

Her heart leapt. She blushed. A smile erupted. Oh my God, he’s free!



Posted by: Matt Howell at December 6, 2006 3:34 AM · Permalink

"Slave to the Griiiiiind!" I screeched way out of my range as I head-banged to the title track of Skid Row's latest album.

"You are going to scare the local children and animals if you get much louder" exclaimed my flat-mate.

"It ain't my damn fault that I'm enslaved by this freaking bass voice..." I grumbled. "It naffs me off that tenors are bloody lead singers and all I get to do is sing backing vocals."

"Oh well..." he smirked while returing to the kitchen.

As the song ended I put in Enslaved and growled along with the black metal.

Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge at December 6, 2006 7:26 AM · Permalink

The blind man drank tea from atop the staircase. His only mission right now was to get some noodles in his belly and wait for nightfall. His eyes were a flaw during day, but at night, they were his advantage.

Creeping out slowly from his perch, he tossed his umbrella on to his enemy's neck and freed it from his body. The armless man was dead.

The blind man vowed he would not rest untill all one armed men in the town were decapitated. After all, a one armed man killed his daughter.

I watch to0 many martial arts movies.

Posted by: turtle at December 6, 2006 4:13 PM · Permalink

Disney Land is a long drive, but when you have to meet Dumbo…..:

Victoria, my two-year-old, became way too attached to her “blankey”. I call it, her Linus.
But her enthrallment with Dumbo far exceeded the blanket.

An hour delay at the house doesn’t seem like much on a 4000mile trip, but, we couldn’t
find the blanket. I was about to explode.

The road was the perfect place to preach the concept of sharing.
And watch the “Dumbo” DVD 237 times.

After 7 Dumbo rides and 78 pictures, Victoria was convinced Dumbo lives pretty good.

The blanket?

Back home again, we mailed it to Dumbo. He needed it. He missed Victoria, a lot.

Posted by: kasac at December 6, 2006 4:43 PM · Permalink

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