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November 10, 2006

Jim: One Of These Days

The walkie-talkie on Norton’s shoulder hissed to life. “Open Flow Valve T14” echoed eerily through the midnight labyrinth of pipes.

“T14,” Norton grunted in reply. He strained against the valve until it suddenly released, dumping a thick stream of fecal sludge onto his boots.

Inspect Valves Y3 through Y11.”

Guided by the dim light from his helmet, Norton trudged through the blackness toward the industrial sector.

“Y8 is closed,” he told the walkie-talkie after arriving.

Open Valve Y8.”

The torrent of liquid carried the cloying odors of pungent nutmeg and sweet maple. Norton turned away and ralphed up his breakfast.

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I realize, of course, that there may not be many readers long enough in the tooth to catch the Ed Norton reference.

I had to write it anyway. It was either this or a story about a pair of Oklahoma pig farmers dealing with some Kafkaesque swine.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at November 10, 2006 12:59 AM · Permalink

Hee! Ralphed up?

Posted by: Tanya at November 10, 2006 8:05 AM · Permalink

Check before you post!