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October 17, 2006

Jim: Fish Tale

There once was a man we’ll call Tim
Who could take any shape that pleased him.
One day for some thrills,
He went and grew gills,
And now you should see that guy swim.

There was also a mermaid named Anne
Who lived deep in the Carribee-an.
She saw Tim swim by,
And she just had to cry,
With the lust that she felt for that man.

As things that are new often go,
Their spawning was awkward and slow.
But they both said it was fun,
Then when they were done,
They were left with a pile of roe.

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It should come as a surprise to nobody that I have no Irish ancestry.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at October 17, 2006 12:14 AM · Permalink

I love your sense of rhyme, I'm still laughing.

And who knew mermaids don't give live birth?

Posted by: Kasac at October 17, 2006 8:56 AM · Permalink

Check before you post!