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October 6, 2006

Jim: Death Valley

The desert plays tricks with a man’s mind. Being alone for too many hot days and too many cold nights can strip away lucidity like the ants strip flesh from bones. But there’s gold out there and you only have to keep enough sanity to recognize it.

Hank found the bones scattered in a deep arroyo around midday. He dug a shallow grave and put the bones in, assembling them the best he could. He said a few words and moved on.

But not before checking the big, humming metal disk to see if there was any gold in it.

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Do I detect a hint of the fabulous Louis Lamour? I only ask because that's the only other place I've seen the word "arroyo" used in a sentence.

Posted by: Kasac at October 6, 2006 9:31 AM · Permalink

Not really, Kasac. I live in the Mojave and can see an arroyo from my office window. No bodies are in it, though, as far as I know.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at October 6, 2006 11:47 AM · Permalink

Check before you post!