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October 10, 2006
Jim: And Then A Whimper
“Help me.”
Those two words, spoken by a child, cut through the radio static like a knife.
“This is Tango Zebra 1245.” I used the call sign out of habit. “Please repeat.”
“Help me,” sobbed the child. “I’m afraid.”
I squeezed the microphone. “Where are you?”
I wish I’d heard silence. Silence meant an open mike. Instead, I got static.
“Please come back,” I begged.
I sat in my shelter, listening on that frequency for hours.
For most people, the world ended when the bombs fell. For me, it ended with a child crying for help that would never come.
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Hmmmm.........., a new title.
Posted by: Kasac at October 10, 2006 12:49 PM · Permalink
Shhhhhh! :)
Posted by: Jim Parkinson at October 10, 2006 1:04 PM · Permalink