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October 2, 2006


Let's call this the Raymond Chandler Special:

Two men burst into the room with guns.

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You never really agreed to this experiment, but you were too stupid to say to no when you were asked. Adrenaline building up as your shirt comes off. Your shirt hit the ground. Your nipples were hard from the cold air. All you can do is look at the clock and wonder how long you would be there.

Two for one had a different meaning. A convention and you said you would do it. Right Guard and blue hit your skin. A few feeble words as the guns set on you.

Preyed on you.

But you agreed.

Or did you?

Posted by: the turtle at October 2, 2006 6:42 AM · Permalink

Raymond Chandler Punches Up the Bible:

...And Josaphat begat Joram; and Joram begat Ozias.

Then two men burst into the room with guns. The smaller one pointed it at Ozias.

"What do you want?"

"It's not me, it's my boss. Y'see, you're getting a little too close to something. Say, what's that smell?"

"Sorry. Small room, lots of begetting. So, you're threatening me?"

"Yes, and my friend roughs you up a bit. Then we leave and you try doing something less hazardous, health-wise."

"Oh. Does that often work?"

"No, not really. But it pays the bills. Listen, I gotta go, that smell is really..."

"Oh. Alright."

Posted by: Jeff R. at October 2, 2006 2:34 PM · Permalink

Social Studies:

Prison food is something you just never get used to. Incarcerated women can not cook.
Kitchen duty, again, doesn’t help. But it passes the time.
Musak in the air, soap suds, and a scrub brush…

The radio is interrupted:
“Two armed men opened fire at Northtown middleschool today. Police responding have reported six injured including the suspects, who were pronounced dead at the scene, - shot by a police sharpshooter.”

The report called them men.
They weren’t.
The oldest one was 14, shy by nature, he was incredibly gifted, he was generous, he was kind, - he was, my son.

Posted by: Kasac at October 2, 2006 5:34 PM · Permalink

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