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November 10, 2005

Volume 8, Issue 10

What's the deal with this?

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The science had become secondary years ago, now it was just a distant memory. All that mattered now was the sex. The new grant money had come in – the “science” could continue.

Her lab was the public walk-ways on the poor side of the college. Her thesis, - “The subliminal effects of the written word on the illiterate”.

She’d learned when working with subliminal messages, combining symbols with words is most effective. The bums, even the bag-ladies, she could control them. But would they fall asleep and make love to her?

For Dr. Ruth all that mattered was the sex.

Posted by: kasac at November 10, 2005 1:02 PM · Permalink

Dr. Ruth! Hahahahahahaha!

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at November 10, 2005 5:32 PM · Permalink

After Missouri, the westward trip became a battle between Ma’s ebbing strength against the elements and consumption. Yet no matter how grueling the day, every night she would take the time to pray that we ‘slept happy and safe’.

Ma died somewhere in the bleak deserts of Nevada and we buried her at the face of a tall cliff. Sissy used most of our borrowed paint drawing a broad, loving heart on that cliff and then I wrote the words. But there wasn’t enough paint left over to write more than the first word.

Ma knows what I meant, though.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at November 10, 2005 5:57 PM · Permalink

Ma's always know.

Posted by: kasac at November 11, 2005 6:00 AM · Permalink

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