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September 5, 2005

Volume 6, Issue 5

Happy Labor Day, end of summer and all that.

Today's theme is:

Hot dogs

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"Hot dogs again," Peter grumbled. "Do we have nothing else? Soup? Canned pears? Because dude, look, I know it's the apocalypse, and we're all here in this zombie-proof biodome, and it's real great that we're alive, and that old man Rafferty was smart enough to gather processed food and supplies before things got really bad, but I am getting fucking sick of hot dogs. That's all I'm saying."

"Don't like it? Go topside," said the cook.

So Peter did. Months later, when the zombie-proof biodome collapsed, he strolled back in and made himself a snack, and it wasn't hot dogs.

Posted by: G-Do at September 5, 2005 4:31 PM · Permalink

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