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September 19, 2005

From the Comments: Cranky D

"Arr, wench, a cup of grog for me," he said.

"What kind of beer do you want?" she asked. "And don't call me wench."

"My apologies, lass, 'tis 'Talk Like a Pirate Day,' don't ya' know. Arr."

"Should I come back?"

"No, thanks, I'll have a pitcher of Summit Seasonal. Two glasses."


His friends arrived a bit later.

"Arrr," he said.

"Arrr," one replied.

"Shiver me timbers," said the other.

They sat down at the table.

"Another glass, wench," said the glassless one. "Arr."

"You don't know any more pirate phrases, do you?"


"Me neither."




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