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August 21, 2005

Volume 5, Issue 21

What are these gargoyles talking about?

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"I am sick of sitting here "defending" the freakin Notre Dame. Its been over two hundred years since we have had a real good time here... Dont you remember? Surely you remenber.... The short guy took the crown from da pope and crowned himself?"

"yea, ... a real hoot"

"Then he crowned his girl..... It was a wild time man"

"The Frenchie revolution was more exciting.... They freed us from those bible thumping saints...... "

"yea, but they left the bells, those freakin loud obnoxious bells..

"yea, those bells .... oh, I have a headache..."

"you always have a headache"

"someone kill me."

Posted by: Kirbside at August 21, 2005 9:54 AM · Permalink

"I hate this church. Too damp," said Eagle.

"Mmm," said Monkey.

"And could they at least clean us? I have layers of mold on me. And look at this view - all these stupid, bustling humans. Why weren't we sculpted into a mountain-top? Don't you - "

"Shut the fuck up!" shouted Monkey. "God! Do you hear yourself? I swear, all you do is complain. Just shut up once in a while! Jesus!"

Monkey turned away. Eagle blinked back tears. "Well, my mouth is always open - I mean, I can't close - oh!" She sniffled.

"Jesus Christ," Monkey muttered. He wasn't getting laid tonight.

Posted by: G-Do at August 21, 2005 1:13 PM · Permalink

"Sqwauk sqwauk sqwauk."
That's all he ever heard. Day in, day out, he listened to her drone on mindlessly.

He remember days at the pub, nights catching unsuspecting prey. He could still remember how her talons shone in the summer sun. She was a magnificant creature.

He had to have her. No matter what, she would be his.

And then the day came when she said that she couldn't go any further without a lifelong commitment.

Honestly, of all the gargolyes to be turned into stone with, he had to pick this one.

She's starting to look like her mother.

Posted by: shannon at August 21, 2005 7:47 PM · Permalink

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