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July 28, 2005

Volume 4, Issue 28

One could fire a gun.

One could fire an employee.

One could even fire off an email complaining about today's theme.

Since yesterday was wind, I will stick to the elements and say the theme for today is:


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They found me guilty without the mess of a trial. That’s OK. After all, I was guilty. An hour before dawn they dragged me to the night-cool desert, bound me to the ground, and anointed me with my death.

It’s hot now, and I’m sticky with sweat and more. I’m thirsty, and licking my lips rewards me with a honey sweetness that does nothing to slack the thirst. I lie in the heat waiting for the inevitable first burning sting. I expect it, but when it comes it still surprises. Today is a good day to be a fire ant.

Posted by: Essay at July 28, 2005 6:48 AM · Permalink

She wasn't a virgin, and she lied about her age.

Biting into the stale sacrifice, Vesuvius roared in anger.

In one horrific explosion, hell on earth broke loose. The volcano erupted, spewing forth molten lava that cascaded down the mountain towards the sea, smothering the earth and inhabitants below. A fire-ignited blaze of rock artillery shot across the landscape, the sky above covered with an orange-red fiery haze. Birds soared higher, beasts sprinted farther, fish swam deeper in the face of the coming onslaught. All life that could not escape was buried deep beneath a hardened mass of blackened ash.

Posted by: K. Brown at July 28, 2005 6:51 AM · Permalink


The general raises his sword. Kevin wishes he had taken the blindfold, but it is too late.


Kevin wishes his life would pass before his eyes. That might explain the parts of his memory that simply don't make sense. Hasn't he been here before? Wasn't it just minutes ago he was turned down for a date to a dance by a stuck-up teenager? (who, it seemed to him, would have utterly no career prospects unless she managed to become a vapid but extremely popular musician, and how likely was that?) Why did the general look so familiar?


Posted by: Jeff R. at July 28, 2005 10:03 AM · Permalink






"Go - "

"Wait a minute," said Wheeler. "Where did 'heart' come from?"

"It is the new element, nature's compassion harnessed to restore the health of the world," said Ma-Ti.

"Yeah, but - " Wheeler looked around. "I'm just trying to picture it. Earth and water are self-explanatory. Fire is like, necessary to check forest growth. Wind is good for erosion and shit. What the hell does heart do?"

"Wheeler, don't be a dick," Linka murmured. "He's helping, okay?"

"He's right," said Ma-Ti, tearful. "My power is a joke."

"Wheeler, you anus!" Kwame hissed.

"Just saying," said Wheeler.

Posted by: G-Do at July 28, 2005 10:38 AM · Permalink

This will show them, he thought. It may not be a grand statement or anything, but it will be somewhat disruptive, and that was all he was shooting for. He and his friends would no doubt have quite a laugh over it the next day.

The meeting was just getting underway. He paused, took a deep breath, and then ran out onto the stage. As hundreds of pairs of eyes focused on him, he shouted, "Fire!"

He then learned an important lesson. Never shout "fire" in a crowded meeting hall. Especially if that meeting hall is filled with NRA members.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at July 28, 2005 12:54 PM · Permalink

Kary was not feeling well, these days.

The consuming ambition which long ago drove her to acquire strength and godhood had cooled, and though the world burned around her, Kary herself no longer burned. She regarded this extinction with morbid curiousity, and wondered if her fellow elemental Fiends were experiencing similar difficulties. Did barren Lich suffer the intrusion of flora into his lifeless, lightless cave? Did slothful Kraken stir restlessly beneath troughs of black and brackish waves? Did mighty Tiamat submit at last to the absent caress of still-standing winds?

Kary was not feeling like herself at all, these days.

Posted by: G-Do at July 28, 2005 2:05 PM · Permalink

Forethought? Yeah right! That was certainly ironic. Perhaps with a little forethought he would have never helped that punk Zeus overthrow his father.

What a vindictive little bastard he had turned out to be! What was so wrong about what I did? All I did was give a bunch of insignificant mortals a few gifts. Hell, as soon as I gave them fire, they turned around and started worshipping Zeus himself! And they kept worshipping him even when he screwed them over with Pandora and her "box". I hope my brother enjoyed tapping that.

Here comes that damn eagle again.....

Posted by: Gahrie at July 28, 2005 8:52 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!