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July 10, 2005

Tanya: Geiselology

Once found in great numbers, the Lorax made its home within the trunk of an unusual species of tree. Thus they were originally confused with dryads, in much the same nearsighted way that mermaids were once mistaken for manatees. On closer inspection, however, there was very little similarity; Dryads being tall, lithe, and lovely, while Lorax is a small, furry brown creature with sad eyes.

Early in the 21st century, activists rounded up the endangered Lorax to "protect" them. They were removed from their truffula trees, and smuggled to a sanctuary in Nebraska. Within a week, the Lorax was extinct.

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I originally misread the challenge, and was composing this entry in Seussian form in my head while I painted my porch. For the sake of posterity, it ended thusly:

peeking out at the loonies,
when he saw them, he knew
if they spied him and caught him
he'd end up in a zoo

protected somewhere
without his truffula seed
'fuck these hippies' he said
and climbed back in his tree

Posted by: Tanya at July 10, 2005 8:09 AM · Permalink

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