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July 10, 2005

Stacy: Das Toad

The Boot Toad of central Florida is a rarely seen creature. It prefers small, dank places, and thus naturally gravitates to the footwear left outdoors by unwary homeowners. Snuggling down into the toe area, it weathers the heat of Florida days, venturing out at night to feed on insect life.

Sporting a poisonous spike on the back of it's head, the Boot Toad has stricken down more than one individual as they attempted to shoe themselves. Florida homeowners are encouraged to cease leaving their footwear outdoors, or at least, turn them upside down to discourage inhabitance by this venomous creature.

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I've encountered the non-poisonous brother of this creature near Haines City, FL.

Or maybe it was a tree frog.

Either way, what kills you is landing wrong after jumping 14 feet in the air. That and the embarrassment of screaming like a girl.

Posted by: a different Bill at July 10, 2005 7:33 PM · Permalink

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