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June 12, 2005

Tanya: Piracy

Nearly thirty years had passed since he'd left the Spanish main. Twenty years he'd been a pirate in these waters, and before that, a decade of searching for a killer. But as his predecessor had predicted, he loved every minute of it. The brandy, the gold, the open sea. The swordfights. Mostly the swordfights.

He ordered his men to change their heading and hoist the Jolly Roger. They would check the rumor that the Duke was nearby, an easy target. Then the man once called Inigo climbed back up to the forecastle deck, smiling as he watched the mainland approach.

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You get a big sloppy kiss for that one!

Posted by: Sekimori at June 12, 2005 5:57 AM · Permalink

Er, that above was from Ted. :)

Posted by: Sekimori at June 12, 2005 6:21 AM · Permalink

Check before you post!