« From the Comments: Tanya | Main | Volume 1, Issue 13 »

May 24, 2005

From the Comments: Jeff R.

"What's the most amazing, inexplicable thing that you've ever seen while diving?"
"That's a toughie. I guess, the time I was checking out some old shipwreck. It had a this mermaid figurehead, and I swear it moved it's head, like it was giving me the eye."
"Did you hit it?"
"Hell, no. I don't want splinters in my dick. What about you? What's the strangest thing you've seen?"
"Well, I did once see a fishbowl."
"What's so extraordinary about that?"
"You're right; it was nothing special. It never broke 180 and couldn't make a 7-10 split to save it's life."

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I'm glad this one got pulled. It cracked me up.

Posted by: Tanya at May 24, 2005 7:39 PM · Permalink

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