The Seeker Archives

April 19, 2007

Jim: Seeker

Pink sunrise pearled the eastern sky as Teng Weh wiped red blood from his axe onto the dead soldier’s tunic.

It was never a good idea to kill one of the Emperor’s soldiers, least of all for one such as Weh. As one of the Xiongnu nomads, Weh had less status than a peasant.

But it had been a simple question; Did the honorable soldier know where Weh could find his father, Teng Xia? In reply, the soldier had repeated the name and then spat.

His father’s honor temporarily restored, Weh fled toward the rising sun and the Imperial City.

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April 23, 2007

Jim: The Seeker II

The clouds were not dark like the thunderstorms of his homeland. But, iron-gray, they blanketed the sky and poured down rain as if from barrels. Drenched, Weh fled toward the nearest shelter.

The barn was a clumsy erection of old boards that may have been designed so that no part of its interior would remain dry. Weh slumped down on soggy straw between a pair of shaggy oxen, hoping the beasts’ broad sides would keep away most of the rain.

“I am coming, Father,” he whispered, shaking miserably. Yet despite the cold dampness, sleep washed over him like a wave.

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