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May 21, 2007

Jim: La La Lala La La...

Several hundred Smurfs sat around the bonfire, all eyes focused on Brainy standing on a small dais. Empty bottles of smurfberry wine littered the ground.

“Once again,” Brainy began. “We meet to discuss our future.”

“Six hundred Smurfs with only one girl,” Dreamy yawned with one droopy eyelid raised to peer at Smurfette. “What future?”

Jokey giggled, “Our faces ain’t the only things that tend to be blue.” Papa Smurf guffawed and fell off his stump.

“Plus we’re inbred to the point of having a single surname,” harrumphed Grouchy.

Brainy grimaced. “I meant fighting Gargamel!”

He really hated drunken Smurfs.

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