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March 26, 2007
David: Anything To Fill The Space Between Commercials
“Greetings, Professor. Welcome to the show. Tell our viewers about yourself.”
“Ah, yes, well. I study antidisestablishmentarianism.”
“So, that would make you an antidisestablishmentarian?”
“No. An antidisestablishmentarian is a person who believes in or practices antidisestablishmentarianism. I’m more what you might call an antidisestablishmentarianismologist.”
“Of course. My apologies, Professor.”
“Personally, I’m opposed to antidisestablishmentarianism as a concept.”
“Which would make you, and correct me if I’m wrong, an antiantidisestablishmentarianism antidisestablishmentarianismologist.”
“Exactly right. Sometimes, I perform short plays using puppets to explain the basic tenets and flaws of antidisestablishmentarianism. It’s a little something I call ‘antidisestablishmentarianismionation.’”
“And we’re out of time.”
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