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February 14, 2007

Jim: Way Before Match.com

Appearances matter, especially when you’re trying to make a good impression.

Gorgg knew this instinctively. This was fortunate because Gorgg’s brain was really not large enough to wrap around such multi-syllabic concepts as ‘appearance’ or ‘impression’ or even ‘especially’.

So Gorgg spent most of the morning working on his looks. Many rats died, some drained so that his tusks would be that special dried-blood brown that matched his eyes so well.

He assembled the remaining rats into a loose bunch and stood ready to present them for whenever the new ogress finally decided to come out of her fetid cave.

The word was 'ogres' from the Dragonlance book, The Gates Of Thorbardin by Dan Parkinson. (Don't be surprised that my dad was one of my favorite authors).

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