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January 26, 2006

Jim: Feeling D Graded

Donna dreaded report card days.

During school, Donna daydreamed of dancing instead of doing division. Disco dancing dominated her desires.

Daunted and distressed, she dragged home to face the dire dilemma of displaying her grades to Dad. Doubtless, Donna dared not dodge the danger.

“I’m doomed,” Donna decided, ducking into the door.

“Why so down in the dumps, Donna?” asked Dad.

Donna daintily displayed the dastardly document.

“Damn!” Dad declared as he discovered her math grade.

Donna defiantly defended herself. “What’s the big deal?” she demanded demonstratively. “So I got one darn, despicable ‘C’!”

(Donna’s teacher grades on the curve.)

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