« Volume 7, Issue 11 | Main | Ted: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes »

October 11, 2005

D: Ain't Gettin' Nun

"I had a really great time."

"I had a really great time too."

"You're a terrible liar."

"No, seriously, I love Chinese opera. All that wailing and screaming and... stuff. And all in Chinese."

"I'm sorry about dinner too."

"What? You're crazy, that wasn’t your fault."

"Your eye is still bloodshot and raw."

"My own fault. Really, I shouldn’t have reached over you like that."

"I didn’t realize you were trying to take my coat."

"The swelling’s going down already. So... how about a little coffee."

"I can't, I have to be up early to get back to the convent."

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