« Volume 3, Issue 8 | Main | Michele: Lullabies to Paralyze »

July 8, 2005

The Eschatologist: Department of Biological Security

"What did the report say?"

She handed him a folder, anticipating the question. "Units 12 and 13 slept fitfully and began to show signs that they were rejecting the program. Unit 13 especially - she cried out several times..."

He interrupted, "Doctor Malthus, you know the rules. Please refrain from the use of pronouns until the units have been assigned."

Sheepishly, she continued. "A dopamine-enforced cocktail was administered at 0400 and the frequency of their cortex stimulation decreased by 14 kHz."

"Excellent. Right on schedule for delivery!" He frowned suddenly. "I wish we could eliminate those silly retro headphones, though..."

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